Special deals for natural-born traders
If you day trade stocks, execute multi-leg options, or play the futures market for arbitrage opportunities, we’ve got a few more reasons for you to see why advanced traders love our platform

A different strategy to earn income
Boost your account balance with our Fully Paid Stock Lending program. Eligible stock positions may earn you extra income. When we lend out certain fully paid or excess margin securities in your account, you’ll receive a share of the interest we earn each day.
Get more out of your futures portfolio
Trade popular futures with low intraday margins, including:
- E-mini S&P 500 (ES) at 10%
- Micro S&P 500 (MES) at 10%
- E-mini Dow Jones (YM) at 10%
- E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) at 10%
- 10-Year Treasury Note (TY) at 10%
- Select energy contracts at 25%

Options trading is not suitable for all investors. Your equities account will be considered and approved or disapproved based on all relevant factors, including your financial situation and trading experience. See www.TradeStation.com/DisclosureOptions. Additional restrictions may apply. Prices, fees, and costs are subject to change. This offer cannot be combined with any other offers. Only one offer per client on one qualifying account. Clients who received a previous offer from TradeStation are ineligible. This promotion may not be transferred to any other individual and has no monetary value that may be redeemed. Service fees, market data fees, premium service fees and other fees and charges may apply. Please visit the service fees sectio for more information. TradeStation reserves the right to terminate this offer or change the terms and conditions at any time.
No offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities, securities derivative or futures products or account types of any kind, or any type of trading or investment advice, recommendation or strategy, is made, given or in any manner endorsed by any TradeStation affiliate and the information made available on the Website is not an offer or solicitation of any kind in any jurisdiction where any TradeStation affiliate is not authorized to do business.
Security futures are not suitable for all investors. To obtain a copy of the security futures risk disclosure statement visit www.TradeStation.com/DisclosureFutures
Margin trading involves risks, and it is important that you fully understand those risks before trading on margin. The Margin Disclosure Statement outlines many of those risks, including that you can lose more funds than you deposit in your margin account; your brokerage firm can force the sale of securities in your account; your brokerage firm can sell your securities without contacting you; and you are not entitled to an extension of time on a margin call. Review the Margin Disclosure Statement.
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