Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Message Behind Yesterday’s Volatility Spike

Yesterday was a reminder for traders who forgot what volatility feels like. The S&P 500 had its biggest drop since June 25, and Cboe's Volatility Index...

How Long Can the Party Last in This Latin Lender?

Brazil is en fuego, as Market Insights highlighted yesterday. But this session options traders are fading the rally in a key name. Itau Unibanco (ITUB), the...

The Subprime Crash Started a Decade Ago

October 2008, a month that's lived in infamy for many investors, is now a decade in the rear-view mirror. A decade ago today, the S&P...

Suddenly Another Global Name Is Moving

Attention has focused heavily on China, Italy and NAFTA. But suddenly today another part of the world is in play. The iShares Brazil ETF (EWZ)...

A Tough Slog For Banks, With a Happy Ending

There was a day when higher interest rates lifted financials. But not anymore. Selling in the sector has been intense, with 64 of the 67...

Insurers Tremble with Florence on the Move

Hurricane season has begun, and insurers are trembling. Florence is expected to hit the Carolinas on Friday. It's already a category 4 hurricane, which makes...

Riding a Megabank on the Cheap: Options Recap

One big investor is riding a megabank on the cheap, thanks to the leveraging power of options. Bank of America (BAC) has been on the...

As Expected, Volatility Hits Global Markets

Just two days ago, Market Insights said that "traders hankering for volatility may want to keep an eye on currencies and crude oil." Both...

Riding a megabank on the cheap: Options recap

One big investor is riding a megabank on the cheap, thanks to the leveraging power of options. Bank of America (BAC) has been on the...
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