Individuals Institutional

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1,013,900% return

From 12/29/2010 – 7/23/2021


97.7% loss

From 8/17/2018 – 12/6/2021

Here is a closer look into XPEL’s stock turned $500 into over $5 MILLION, as well as how CVSI’s stock turned $500 into less than $12.


10,140x return from 12/29/2010 – 7/23/2021*


$500 > $5,070,000 ($500 x 10,140 = $5,070,000)*

CV Sciences, Inc (CVSI)

Over 97.7% loss return from 8/16/2018 – 12/6/2021*

97.7% loss

$500 > $11.50 ($500 x .977 = $488.5
$500 – $488.5 = $11.50)*

As you can see above, stocks can move quite a bit! We hope this helped you get a sense of the opportunities versus risks that lie in the stock market.

*Any examples or illustrations provided are hypothetical in nature and do not reflect results actually achieved and do not account for fees, expenses, or other important considerations. These types of examples are provided to illustrate mathematical principles and not meant to predict or project the performance of a specific investment or investment strategy. Accordingly, this information should not be relied upon when making an investment decision.
